API documentation


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interface Products.LDAPUserFolder.interfaces.ILDAPUser

Extends: AccessControl.interfaces.IUser

IUser interface with extended API for the LDAPUserFolder

This interface is supported by user objects which are returned by user validation through the LDAPUserFolder product and used for access control.


Return a DataTime object representing the user object creation time

Permission - Access contents information

getProperty(name, default='')

Retrieve the value of a property of name “name”. If this property does not exist, the default value is returned.

Properties can be any public attributes that are part of the user record in LDAP. Refer to them by their LDAP attribute name or the name they have been mapped to in the LDAP User Folder

Permission - Access contents information


Retrieve the user object’s Distinguished Name attribute.

Permission - Access contents information

interface AccessControl.interfaces.IUser

Public User object interface.

This interface needs to be supported by objects that are returned by user validation and used for access control.


Get a sequence of the domain restrictions for the user.


Get the ID of the user.

The ID can be used from Python to get the user from the user’s UserDatabase.


Get a sequence of the global roles assigned to the user.


Get a sequence of the roles assigned to the user in a context.

Roles include both global roles (ones assigned to the user directly inside the user folder) and local roles (assigned in context of the passed in object).


Get the name used by the user to log into the system.

Note that this may not be identical to the user’s ‘getId’ (to allow users to change their login names without changing their identity).


interface Products.LDAPUserFolder.interfaces.ILDAPUserFolder

Extends: AccessControl.interfaces.IStandardUserFolder

This interface lists methods available for scripting LDAPUserFolder objects.

Some others are accessible given the correct permissions but since they are used only in the internal workings of the LDAPUserFolder they are not listed here.

findUser(search_param, search_term, attrs=(), exact_match=False)

Find user records given the search_param string (which is the name of an LDAP attribute) and the search_term value. The attrs argument can be used the desired attributes to return, and exact_match determines whether the search is a wildcard search or not.

This method will return a list of dictionaries where each matching record is represented by a dictionary. The dictionary will contain a key/value pair for each LDAP attribute, including dn, that is present for the given user record.

Permission: Manage users

getGroups(dn='*', attr=None, pwd='')

Return a list of available group records under the group record base as defined in the LDAPUserFolder, or a specific group if the dn parameter is provided. The attr argument determines what gets returned and it can have the following values:

o None: A list of tuples is returned where the group CN is the first

and the group full DN is the second element.

o cn: A list of CN strings is returned.

o dn: A list of full DN strings is returned.

Permission: Manage users


Return the user object for the user “name”. if the user cannot be found, None will be returned.

Permission - Manage users


Return the user object with the UserID “id”. The User ID may be different from the “Name”, the Login. To get a user by its Login, call getUser.

Permission - Manage users

getUserDetails(encoded_dn, format=None, attrs=())

Retrieves all details for a user record represented by the DN that is handed in as the URL-encoded encoded_dn argument. The format argument determines the format of the returned data and can have two values:

o None: All user attributes are handed back as a list of tuples

where the first element of each tuple contains the LDAP attribute name and the second element contains the value.

o dictionary: The user record is handed back as a simple dictionary

of attributes as key/value pairs.

The desired attributes can be limited by passing in a sequence of attribute names as the attrs argument.

Permission: Manage users


Return a list of user IDs for all users that can be found given the selected user search base and search scope.

This method will return a simple error message if the number of users exceeds the limit of search hits that is built into the python-ldap module.

Permission - Manage users


Return all user objects. Since the number of user records in an LDAP database is potentially very large this method will only return those user objects that are in the internal cache of the LDAPUserFolder and not expired.

Permission - Manage users

isUnique(attr, value)

Determine whether a given LDAP attribute (attr) and its value (value) are unique in the LDAP tree branch set as the user record base in the LDAPUserFolder. This method should be called before inserting a new user record with attr being the attribute chosen as the login name in your LDAPUserFolder because that attribute value must be unique.

This method will return a truth value (1) if the given attribute value is indeed unique, 0 if it is not and in the case of an exception it will return the string describing the exception.

Permission: Manage users

manage_addGroup(newgroup_name, newgroup_type='groupOfUniqueNames', REQUEST=None)

Add a new group under the group record base of type newgroup_type. If REQUEST is not None a MessageDialog screen will be returned. The group_name argument forms the new group CN while the full DN will be formed by combining this new CN with the group base DN.

Since a group record cannot be empty, meaning there must be at least a single uniqueMember element in it, the DN given as the binduid in the LDAPUserFolder configuration is inserted.

Permission: Manage users

manage_addUser(REQUEST, kwargs)

Create a new user record. If REQUEST is not None, it will be used to retrieve the values for the user record.

To use this method from Python you must pass None as the REQUEST argument and a dictionary called kwargs containing key/value pairs for the user record attributes.

The dictionary of values passed in, be it REQUEST or kwargs, must at the very least contain the following keys and values:

o cn or uid (depending on what you set the RDN attribute to)

o user_pw (the new user record’s password)

o confirm_pw (This must match password)

o all attributes your user record LDAP schema must contain (consult

your LDAP server schema)

Only those attributes and values are used that are specified on the LDAP Schema tab of your LDAPUserFolder.

Permission: Manage users

manage_deleteGroups(dns=[], REQUEST=None)

Delete groups specified by a list of group DN strings which are handed in as the dns argument.

Permission: Manage users

manage_deleteUsers(dns, REQUEST)

Delete the user records given by a list of DN strings. The user records will be deleted and their mentioning in any group record as well.

Permission: Manage users

manage_editUser(user_dn, REQUEST, kwargs)

Edit an existing user record. If REQUEST is not None, it will be used to retrieve the values for the user record.

To use this method from Python you must pass None as the REQUEST argument and a dictionary called kwargs containing key/value pairs for the user record attributes.

Only those attributes and values are used that are specified on the LDAP Schema tab of your LDAPUserFolder.

This method will handle modified RDN (Relative Distinguished name) attributes correctly and execute a modrdn as well if needed, including changing the DN in all group records it is part of.

Permission: Manage users

manage_editUserPassword(dn, new_pw, REQUEST)

Change a users password. The dn argument contains the full DN for the user record in question and new_pw contains the new password.

Permission: Manage users

manage_editUserRoles(user_dn, role_dns, REQUEST)

Change a user’s group memberships. The user is specified by a full DN string, handed in as the user_dn attribute. All group records the user is supposed to be part of are handed in as role_dns, a list of DN strings for group records.

Permission: Manage users

searchUsers(attrs=(), exact_match=False, **kw)

Search for user records by one or more attributes.

This method takes any passed-in search parameters and values as keyword arguments and will sort out invalid keys automatically. It accepts all three forms an attribute can be known as, its real ldap name, the name an attribute is mapped to explicitly, and the friendly name it is known by.

Permission: Manage users

interface AccessControl.interfaces.IStandardUserFolder

Get the user object specified by name.

If there is no user named ‘name’ in the user folder, return None.


Get a sequence of all names of the users in the user folder.


Get a sequence of all user objects which reside in the user folder.